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End Israel's Occupation: 40 years too many

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Seven panels of collage

A Women for Palestine project


In 2002, Women for Palestine came up with an idea that would tell the story of Palestinian dispossession and occupation in ways that ordinary people could better understand the terrible loss that was suffered and is still being suffered by so many millions of Palestinians.  Materials for seven panels of collage were gathered by a handful of women which was then composed and applied by Melbourne artist Dora McPhee.  It was not long after that that Ms McPhee became the most prolific worker and dedicated member of Women for Palestine.

These panels had such an impact on the audience for which they were created that on their highly-priced and successful sale at our appeal auction, each one was donated back to Women for Palestine enabling us to show them at future events.  So popular have they been, we felt that this event was an appropriate occasion to display them again because they vividly illustrate, over 59 years, the painful journey that Palestinians have made and still must make from the day they are born in their quest for justice, peace and acceptance as a people with equal rights in a world that has wronged them beyond all measure.


Cover | Panel I | Page 3 - 14 | Panels II - VII | Panels IV-V | Panels VI & III


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