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End Israel's Occupation: 40 years too many

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Key UN Resolutions


UNGA resolution 181
approved Nov 29, 1947 - It called for the partition of Palestine into two states – one Jewish on 55% and the other Arab on 45% with Jerusalem to be an international city under UN administration.
This was in contradiction to the UN Charter and ignored the rights of the majority indigenous Arab population of Palestine to self-determination.

UNGA resolution 194
passed Dec 11,1948 - It called for the return of refugees, protection and free access to the Holy Places, demilitarisation and UN control over
Jerusalem with free access to Jerusalem.
To date refugees from the 1948 war have been denied right of return, have gone uncompensated and continue to live in UNRWA refugee camps. Israel’s acceptance into the UN was conditional on its acceptance of resolutions 181 and 194.

UNSC resolution 242
adopted unanimously Nov 22,1967 - It calls for the “withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict” It emphasized the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war
and called for a just settlement of the refugee problem.
To date Israel has continued to occupy and build settlements in areas it occupied in the 1967 war and continues to deny refugees the right of return or

UNSC resolution 338
approved Oct 22, 1973 - It called for a cease fire in the Yom Kippur War and the immediate implementation of resolution 242 in all its parts.
To date Israel ignores both resolutions and the UN has failed to implement all the binding UNSC resolutions.

UNSC resolution 1397
adopted in Dec 3, 2002 - It demanded the immediate cessation of all violence in the Middle East and affirmed the vision of two states, Israel and Palestine.
Israel’s current policy of carving up what remains of Palestine makes a two state solution increasingly unlikely.

UNSC resolution 1515
adopted Nov 19, 2003 - recalled all previous resolutions 242,338 and 1397. It endorsed the performance-based Road Map to peace as a permanent two state solution to the conflict, where Israel and Palestine live sided by side within secure and recognized borders.
Israel still has not defined its borders and is moving to unilaterally redraw the internationally recognized 1967 borders thereby annexing more Palestinian land.


© 2007 Women For Palestine